12 Following

Leah's Bookshelf

Likes: Horror, macabre, fairy tales, ghosts, hauntings, serial killers, zombies, werewolves, shapeshifters, vampires, time travel, orphans, clones, thrillers, classics, gothic


I like to read anything that tells a good story, duh ;) Genre doesn't really matter much but I tend to read dark fiction and fantasy the most. I skip chick lit and romance novels with a few exceptions for the extraordinary.


My ratings system:

5 stars - ADORED; plan to read over and over and over.

4 stars - ENJOYED; will likely read once or twice more.

3 stars - LIKED; may or may not read again ... someday.

2 stars - MEH; no plans to read again.

1 stars - I didn't enjoy the story and was lucky to finish.

0 stars - I couldn't or wouldn't finish for reasons that may or may not be listed in the review box.

Currently reading

The Oxford Book of American Short Stories
Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville, Henry James, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Washington Irving, Mark Twain, Edith Wharton, Ray Bradbury, Charlotte Gilman Perkins, Willa Carter, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Stephen Crane, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Katherine Anne Porter, Eudora Welty, Nath
Progress: 225/768 pages

The Millionaire Messenger: Make a Difference and a Fortune Sharing Your Advice

The Millionaire Messenger: Make a Difference and a Fortune Sharing Your Advice - Brendon Burchard Inspirational without all the rah-rah fluff. Best part of the whole book? The Expert Signposts. They ask questions that lead to actionable answers. I'm probably the most motivated I've ever been after reading a "self-help" type book.Having said that, Burchard does mention his Experts Academy A LOT. I'm sure this has to do with the psychology of selling and marketing but dang, for those of us who are savvy to such techniques, seeing the reference to EA over and over can get a little annoying. (Especially when most people reading The Millionaire Messenger probably found it by signing up at EA's site.)Other than that, no complaints. Burchard gives actionable information and seems to genuinely like helping people become Millionaire Messengers.